Friday, February 4, 2022

Results and Winter Vlog | Maria Medeiros

I hope you enjoy the vlog and I would love it if you subscribed to my channel. It helps me out so much. 

Thank you so much! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Art Goddess!

Yesterday I spent the entire day creating artwork and I felt like an Art Goddess!
I love the feeling that I have when I am painting and creating art. In the spring and summer I would like to go into nature and create it as it surrounds me. Yesterday I played classical music and painted all day. It is fun to just let go and paint without any judgement on my self. No rules and freedom to just go for it. 

I love swallows so I drew three swallows and I used a reference from the Toronto online archives. 

I love to draw and paint vases with flowers. It's one of my favourite things to paint including landscapes and fruit. 

I also created a Junk Journal Collage. Super fun to do with scraps of paper that I have. 

I love the combination or blue and orange together. 
This one is watercolour and acrylic paint. 

This is my little desk area that I paint and do all my creative artwork on. 

I follow an artist on IG that makes these glorious paintings and I fell in love with her mist and forest painting and I just had to capture the feeling and try it out for my self. I think it would work so nicely with oil paints and also acrylic paints. I used watercolour. I would like to try working with this style again because I find it a challenge. 

The Ocean
I will for ever paint oceans. 

I really love landscapes that have lanes, roads, paths and rivers. 

These are all the pieces of art that I created yesterday. I hope you enjoyed this post my lovely friends.
If you are new to my blog I would love it and appreciate it if you followed the blog. The buttons are on the left side of the blog. Please and thank you.

Future art goals: Make Artist Cards for the Etsy Shop, Try Oil Paints, Try painting something new and try a new technique.

Have a beautiful week and I will be writing soon with some of my favourite winter products. Some I bought on my own and some have been given to me to try for free. I am very excited. 
Thank you,

Live Laugh Love!

 Happy February my friends! 

At the end of January my husband and I made sourdough bread! We created our own starter and baked bread. It is so amazing and delicious. The entire house smelled so good! One of my favourite scents is bread and fireplace.


It is so cold here in Toronto. We have had -30! Extreme cold. I am not a fan of extreme cold. We are also expecting a snow storm for Wednesday and Thursday. 

My goals for February are to write letters to friends, create more art and journaling and stay creative. 

 I've created a February stationery for you. You can use it for free and download it from Canva. 

Since it's the month of Love I would like to share  a poem from my poetry book about the love of my life. 

Now And For Ever 
For Joe Medeiros 

Lovingly giving kisses on the neck it pleases
Sharing my sweetness loving you,  loving me 
us together 
we will always be moving to our heart beat 
Can you feel it? 
see it? 
Together as one
We will always be
 Love infinity
Flowing kisses 
Sharing together now and forever.

Life is short my friends,
Live, laugh and love. 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

January Poem







Paw prints on snow 

Sparkly snow

Blue sky

Wind chill

Skin burns

Stand still

Look Up

Snow is falling!

Excerpt From: Maria Medeiros. “Truth.” iBooks. 

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Dear January...

Dear January I really enjoyed your changes and challenges. From lockdowns to snowstorms you are still amazing and beautiful. I see beauty in everything. Even in the challenges.

 Embracing everything and letting it soak in and move through me. 

I am grateful and full of gratitude.

 I don't feel bad expressing how I feel. I feel amazing being very honest and real about my feelings.

 January, thank you for everything.

 I'm ready to say goodbye to you but I will see you again, but before I go I will share a poem that I've written for you.

Cold January Day

Today is a cold January day

The sky is bright blue

The sun is golden 

The cold creeps through the window panes

I sit by the fire’s glorious heat

Warming the tip of my nose to my feet

A cup of tea and a book on a blanket is my sweet retreat!

Excerpt From: Maria Medeiros. “Truth.” iBooks. 

Thank you

Hello 2024! First Vlog of the New Year!