Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Monday, March 13, 2023

Weekly Vlog | Haul, Hot Chocolate & Biopsy

Hello my wonderful friends! I hope March is treating you well. I've been busy running to the doctor, working out and keeping the house clean and organized. I've been also trying to keep up with the #The100DayChallenge I hope you enjoy the weekly vlogs on my Youtube Channel. I've been enjoying making them. Thank you for your love and support. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Weekly Vlog Worried and Biopsy?

Here is my weekly vlog and in my journal I wrote this....

In the winter I appreciate the small things, the little things like snow falling, bare branches, ice blocking the sound of water flowing, branches hitting each other like swords.  

These small details have beauty, as things are frozen beauty flows beneath. 

Ice has formed but water still flows and moves underneath. 

Ice forms on branches and the sun shines through giving them a glow. 

The sun shines on the snow making the snow glitter. 

Cold air fills my lungs and brings me joy and a feeling that I am alive.

As I get older I have slowed down and I am very grateful for each day. 

I look at nature and see more detail. I observe more and feel more than ever. 

I have so much Appreciation and gratitude for my surroundings and life. 

Life bursts with beauty and vitality. 

Thank you 🙏 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Happy March! 2023


Happy March! I feel very artsy today. Going to be making more artwork. I've been participating in the #100daychallenge and I am enjoying the process so much. I will upload everything I have created soon.  Some people have been asking if my artwork is for sale, I’m not selling at the moment. Maybe in the near future I will open up a shop online.  Thank you all for asking. I’m always willing to answer questions. Speaking of artsy, look at these artsy nail accents! 

Thank you Avon Canada for the fmg glimmer gel nail stickers!!! They look like beautiful artwork! 🎨

“easy to apply glossy gel nail stickers add fun pattern to your nails without having to take a trip to the salon. No mess application. Doesn’t require additional tools or waiting for nails to dry, each set has 14 stickers and they are $14 each set.” 

Avon also has other patterns like kaleidoscope, glimmering gold, and stargazer. 😍 also, how incredible is the fmg glimmer nail lacquer eraser pen! This is so amazing. I always get nail polish around the skin where my nails are and this is perfect to clean up the nail area. 

Avon has beautiful colours of Pro nail polish this long lasting polish with a high gloss finish goes on streak free and it is vegan. It is 12.5 mil for $12.00. I can’t do nails without a base and top coat! It’s a game changer. Your nail polish will go on better and will last longer. 

“ SMG glimmer nail base and topcoat. Its breathable, nail hugging formula provides smooth base to prime nails and help prevent discolouration.  It works as a glossy protective topcoat to help keep nail strong, shielding your manicure from chipping and streaking. It is paraben/talc/ gluten/ phthalate/fragrance free.  vegan. 12 ml $14.00. “


Avon Canada thanks for making my life beautiful 

Have a B E A U T I F U L month!
🤗 Maria

*got it free
*Not sponsored. Thank you Avon Canada. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Winter Magic! ⭐️ 💫


The magic is within you
you don't have to be perfect
you don't have to organize everything 
you don't have to control everything
the's a beautiful mess

you don't have to control


favourite bullet journal

reading and imagining

pressing and framing

going for it

I don't have plans and sometimes I don't feel like doing anything and that's okay
sometimes we just need to observe and let the beauty of nature in our hearts and souls

muffin recipe anyone?

here you go:

Banana Blueberry Muffins
1 3/4 cup flower
1/3 cup oatmeal
3 bananas
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup vanilla yogurt
2 eggs
2tbs oil
1 tsp baking soda
1tbs vanilla 
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup walnuts
1 cup blueberries
Bake for 30 min in a 350F oven

New tea that is delicious!

It's okay

life is adventure!

Things you can do to help with the winter blues:

1. Have a cozy cuppa tea
2. Take a walk.
3. Listen to music and dance.
4. Read a book.
5. Try something New.
6. Paint, draw, create, craft
7. Watch a cozy video, film or tv series
8. Healthy snack and water
9. Have a bath and self-care
10.Talk to a loved one, hug a pet, talk to a teacher or family.

Remember you are important and you are loved. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Forest Bathing Healing The Soul

From the moment I walk in the forest the sound of the world changes. 
It's like walking into a world of magic. You really need to not move and sit still if you ever go in the forest., magic, nature and the sounds are so glorious.

The way the trees are planted here it's like a dream,
should I walk to the end of this path?
 I think next time I will walk all the way to the depths of the forest.

surrounding me 
hugging me
the forest feels so right to me
I listened to my breathing
felt connected in so many ways
I wanted to take my shoes off and walk barefoot
I wanted to lay in the stream and embrace the earth
become one with nature

winter has beauty
winter has magic
forests do not sleep in the winter
The forest is still alive

But not this tree
I touched the tree and it felt cold
I looked up and it was dead
Fiona took down a lot of trees 
I hope we plant more trees
If everyone just plants one tree
That would be so amazing.

Happy New Year Vlog
Please Subscribe to my channel. :) 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy New Year! 2023

Happy New Year my friends!

I've written my New Year goals on if you like to have a look. I wanted to take this opportunity on this blog post to reflect on the past year and mention how grateful I am to all my online friends and subscribers like you. Thank you so much for being there for me this past year. It has been the hardest year of my life with my cancer treatments, lymphedema diagnosis and arthritis pains. It's a challenge everyday but I am learning to work with all my symptoms and I am taking it one day at a time. 

Thank you all for your lovely comments and support. It means so much to me. I look forward to this year. I look forward to making changes and trying new things. I can't wait to make new content for my Youtube Channel and also make more art and share it with you all.

 Thank you for your support with my poetry book last year.

 I look forward to writing a new book in 2023. 

So you see I couldn't of done it without you,

I truly thank you and I appreciate each and everyone of you!

I look forward to writing more blog posts on this blog. I enjoy writing and showcasing my photos with you all. 

What do you look forward to this year? What are some of your wishes and goals for 2023?

Wishing you all the best in 2023 and may you be happy and may your life be full of love and positivity. 

Thank you for reading my post and I look forward to reading your comments. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Vlogmas Week One 🎄 Advent Calendars and Baking

Hello Winter! Happy December everyone!

What do you enjoy doing in the winter? 

Here in PEI they say the worst months are January, February and March. 

I’m not worried…okay maybe I am. They sell snowshoes at the local Kent stores! That doesn’t worry me at all! Tomorrow we are expecting a snowstorm. About 20cm of snow and 80 kilometre winds. The wind on this island scares me like crazy. Anyhow, I hope you have a look at my first week vlogmas. I am currently filming part 2. I hope you like it and subscribe to my channel. It brings me so much joy and happiness. 

Thank you so much!

Do you have a bucket list?

Here is my Bucket list:

Winter Bucket List

Walk on trails or ski on the trails  

Make hot chocolate (top it with marshmallows, whip cream, candy canes and more)

Watch a cozy film

Read a Book

Build a Snowman

Try Something New

Make more art and keep up with my bullet journal

Make a delicious soup 

Bake (bread, muffins, cake, cookies…)

Clean my Closet

Organize linen closet

Organize my makeup

Take photos of winter

Have a cup of tea

Light a cozy candle

Create a Winter Inspiration Board

Create a Vision Board 2023

Thank you for joining me today! I am truly grateful!


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

First Christmas In Our New Home!

Hello! I can't believe its December! 
I hope you are all well. 
Time goes by fast!
 I created a lovely wallpaper on Canva and if you like to use it here is the link. 
I have it on my computer and love it. 

Enjoy the vlog and please subscribe!
I am working on Vlog 2 and it should be up on the weekend.
Much love and positivity! 
Each day is a gift. Enjoy each moment and live life to the fullest! 
God Bless you all!

Thank you from my heart!

Friday, November 11, 2022

Dear November...

Dear November
Leaves falling to the ground
Cold wind 
Chill to the bone
I won't moan 
I grab my cardigan and walk alone
Peaceful rolling land
Crows make their presence known
The horse gallops
Cemetery still
All alone 
-Maria Medeiros

I am uploading prints on Red Bubble again. 
If you like have a look. I will be uploading photography and artwork.

Thank you! ❤️ 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Vlogtober Week 2 🎃

Hello lovey friends! Here is my vlog. I hope you enjoy it and sending you all my positivity and love. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Saying goodbye...

Saying goodbye to October will be bitter sweet. I love October and everything about Autumn. The colours all around me are so beautiful! Orange, yellow,  red and brown. Golden hues everywhere. It’s so beautiful in PEI in the fall. So breathtaking. I took some pictures on the confederation trail. Heaven on Earth!

We are settling nicely in PEI. Love the town we live in. Love the people and nature all around. We are slowly unboxing and putting our items away. What I find challenging is that there are not that many box stores here. We have a couple of grocery stores and a a couple of pharmacies which is good. But if we need a Walmart or Superstore we have to drive 40 min to the closest town. It doesn't bother me though. You can get things delivered which is good. Also internet is a problem until today! we finally got internet. I find everything is more expensive here as well, or maybe that's inflation everywhere. 

We had a lovely thanksgiving dinner. I made roast chicken, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes with brown sugar and marshmallows, carrots and butternut squash soup with bacon bits and onion crisps on top. It made me happy to see my family finish everything on their plates. A blessing and I’m so grateful. 

Because of our move I wasn’t able to create content as much as I wanted to this month, but I need to take it easy on my self and not put so much pressure on always creating. I use to really push my self to create a post everyday in October and video content as well. But a good friend of mine (Ramona) once told me that it’s quality not quantity that matters. I truly agree. 

I’ve met my new oncologist and she is very kind. She said that she’s going to do a few tests to make sure that my estrogen levels haven’t risen and also a bone density test. I will be seeing her in the New Year. 

For the last week of October I plan to bake a little and make some of my family’s favourite treats. I always make candy apples, caramel popcorn and cupcakes. I am going to make some crispy treats and jello cups too. 

I am a little scared of winter coming because I’ve been told by many people how harsh the winters are in PEI. So I’m a little scared. I will keep you posted if I can because bad weather means no internet connection for me. We just have to take it one day at a time.

I finally have internet like I said before and I was able to upload vlogtober week 1. Have a look if you like. I captured a little of Fiona. Thank you all for your wonderful support and love. I appreciate all your comments on all my platforms. Thank you kindly. 

Thank you and I will be uploading vlogtober week 2 this weekend. Thanks again!

Positivity, love and kindness to you all!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Focus on Joy and Love

The storm was crazy, I never in my life heard wind like Fiona before. Fiona felt like a monster trying to get you and it lasted endless hours. At 2 in the morning we all woke up and sat in the living room. New home, new place and it was frightening. Power went out and trees came down and after 13 hours or more the storm slowly stopped. Fiona scared me to the core. 

Autumn weather has settled all around us now. The clean-up around our town is almost complete. The evidence of Fiona coming through the area slowly diminishing. 

The sun rises beautifully, gold hues touch all the leaves and burnt orange and yellow surrounds us. The fields softly touched by morning fog disappear by the warmth of the sun. 

Being in a new place feels vulnerable, I still feel emotional, it’s only been one month. The beauty of my surroundings helps my emotions and offers me comfort and joy. The beauty of PEI embraces me and offers love. 

I don’t know how long this adventure will last but I know that I am going to live in the moment and appreciate everything around me. I am going to look toward the brightness of the sun and not the shadows. Focus on joy and love. 

I have set up an art area and slowly I will set up my books as well. I forced my self to sit down and make some art but I just sat there not knowing where to start. Feeling lost a bit so I’m just going to take in my surroundings and breathe a bit before creating anything. It takes time…

Thank you for reading my blogpost for today my friends,

All love and positivity,


Hello 2024! First Vlog of the New Year!