Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Parissa Wax Strips Review

Thank you to Parissa! Parissa is personally my favourite way to remove unwanted hair. My daughter and I use these wax strips and we love them! The wax strips do a great job of removing hair and the after oil hydrates and softens my skin. These are Easy to use and fast as well. I love that they are “Sourced naturally, ethically, and with care.” Their “ingredients are safe, gentle and from natural, sustainable sources like tree resin, cane sugar, beeswax, vegetable oils and plant extracts."

“At Parissa we manufacture, package and ship our products from our award-winning eco-facility in North Vancouver. All Parissa products and packaging components are

made from sustainable, ethically sourced, natural materials. We care about the environment

and we care about what you put on your body - say no to synthetic waxes”

Gentle on the skin and they don’t irritate my skin. They are terrific! Love them and recommend them. Thank you to Parissa for sending me these lovely samples. So grateful! 


“Azar Moayeri, the founder of Parissa, was the first female Chemical Engineer to graduate from

the University of Edinburgh. Continuing her success in the male-dominated business world,

Azar relocated to Vancouver with her family in 1981 and started Canada’s first all-natural hair

removal brand. At Parissa we manufacture, package and ship our products from our award-winning eco-facility in North Vancouver. All Parissa products and packaging components are

made from sustainable, ethically sourced, natural materials. We care about the environment

and we care about what you put on your body - say no to synthetic waxes!”

Thank you so much!



Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Autumn Favourites Thebeautifulfantastic

Autumn has been beautiful and magical in PEI. 
The weather has been so amazing we even went to the beach!

check out my Youtube SHORT

Nature is so beautiful all around me. Autumn is beautiful here.

Have a look at my videos if you like on Youtube.

I received many lovely goodies in October and I am truly grateful.

I won a basket of Tetley Tea! SO amazing!
Love the chai vanilla the best!

These hair products by Schwarzkopf are really amazing!
Thank you to 1milk2sugars PR
For the samples!

Review Coming soon.

Thank you AVON.CA I love these skincare products!

 Autumn Favourites on LTK Creator 

Follow me on LTK Creator if you like

CLARINS Products
Thank you to the lovely and wonderful Dave Lackie!

I was kindly sent my favourite waxing strips from Parissa!
Blog post and review coming soon.

These are a few of my favourite things for Autumn! 

Sending you all love and positivity!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Vlogtober Week 2 🎃

Hello lovey friends! Here is my vlog. I hope you enjoy it and sending you all my positivity and love. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Saying goodbye...

Saying goodbye to October will be bitter sweet. I love October and everything about Autumn. The colours all around me are so beautiful! Orange, yellow,  red and brown. Golden hues everywhere. It’s so beautiful in PEI in the fall. So breathtaking. I took some pictures on the confederation trail. Heaven on Earth!

We are settling nicely in PEI. Love the town we live in. Love the people and nature all around. We are slowly unboxing and putting our items away. What I find challenging is that there are not that many box stores here. We have a couple of grocery stores and a a couple of pharmacies which is good. But if we need a Walmart or Superstore we have to drive 40 min to the closest town. It doesn't bother me though. You can get things delivered which is good. Also internet is a problem until today! we finally got internet. I find everything is more expensive here as well, or maybe that's inflation everywhere. 

We had a lovely thanksgiving dinner. I made roast chicken, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes with brown sugar and marshmallows, carrots and butternut squash soup with bacon bits and onion crisps on top. It made me happy to see my family finish everything on their plates. A blessing and I’m so grateful. 

Because of our move I wasn’t able to create content as much as I wanted to this month, but I need to take it easy on my self and not put so much pressure on always creating. I use to really push my self to create a post everyday in October and video content as well. But a good friend of mine (Ramona) once told me that it’s quality not quantity that matters. I truly agree. 

I’ve met my new oncologist and she is very kind. She said that she’s going to do a few tests to make sure that my estrogen levels haven’t risen and also a bone density test. I will be seeing her in the New Year. 

For the last week of October I plan to bake a little and make some of my family’s favourite treats. I always make candy apples, caramel popcorn and cupcakes. I am going to make some crispy treats and jello cups too. 

I am a little scared of winter coming because I’ve been told by many people how harsh the winters are in PEI. So I’m a little scared. I will keep you posted if I can because bad weather means no internet connection for me. We just have to take it one day at a time.

I finally have internet like I said before and I was able to upload vlogtober week 1. Have a look if you like. I captured a little of Fiona. Thank you all for your wonderful support and love. I appreciate all your comments on all my platforms. Thank you kindly. 

Thank you and I will be uploading vlogtober week 2 this weekend. Thanks again!

Positivity, love and kindness to you all!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Focus on Joy and Love

The storm was crazy, I never in my life heard wind like Fiona before. Fiona felt like a monster trying to get you and it lasted endless hours. At 2 in the morning we all woke up and sat in the living room. New home, new place and it was frightening. Power went out and trees came down and after 13 hours or more the storm slowly stopped. Fiona scared me to the core. 

Autumn weather has settled all around us now. The clean-up around our town is almost complete. The evidence of Fiona coming through the area slowly diminishing. 

The sun rises beautifully, gold hues touch all the leaves and burnt orange and yellow surrounds us. The fields softly touched by morning fog disappear by the warmth of the sun. 

Being in a new place feels vulnerable, I still feel emotional, it’s only been one month. The beauty of my surroundings helps my emotions and offers me comfort and joy. The beauty of PEI embraces me and offers love. 

I don’t know how long this adventure will last but I know that I am going to live in the moment and appreciate everything around me. I am going to look toward the brightness of the sun and not the shadows. Focus on joy and love. 

I have set up an art area and slowly I will set up my books as well. I forced my self to sit down and make some art but I just sat there not knowing where to start. Feeling lost a bit so I’m just going to take in my surroundings and breathe a bit before creating anything. It takes time…

Thank you for reading my blogpost for today my friends,

All love and positivity,


Saturday, October 8, 2022

Autumn 🍂 in PEI


I’ve started writing my new poetry book and It will include photos and art.

If you like my 2022 poetry ebook it's available here:

Poetry Ebook

I’ve written a few new poems inspired by Autumn in PEI.

Autumn in PEI 

The land is golden

Trees rustle

Leaves falling to the ground

Wind has picked up

Cool wind

Crisp air

Birds in the distance scrounging off the farmers land

The sky is full of blue grey clouds

Pumpkins everywhere on the porches and store fronts 

Scarecrows and Farmers Markets 

Open Signs

Small town O’Leary 

Charming little town!

-Maria Medeiros

Autumn in PEI

It’s harvest time 

The potatoes are tumbling into the trucks

The sun shines between the branches 

Leaves turn orange, red and gold

Silhouettes and shadows appear on the ground

Leaves slowly falling

Local markets selling orange pumpkins, mums and corn

The air perfumed by earthy leaves

Crisp breeze

Hot cocoa and some pumpkin pie please!

-Maria Medeiros

I have uploaded two moving vlogs on my Youtube Channel. 
If you like have a look. Moving Vlog 1, Moving Vlog 2. 
Under each of my videos you will see a heart with a money sign and it says "Thanks" 
 That is set up to help my channel with donations so I can keep making videos. 
If you like and if you can please donate. It starts at $2.00. Thank you kindly.

I kindly won Clarins products from Dave Lackie. I am so grateful. 
Thank you so much Dave Lackie!

I won a lovely basket full of teas from Tetley Tea Canada! 
Thank you so much Tetley Canada!

Currently Lighting 

Currently Reading

Thank you so much for reading my post today. 
I am working on more vlogs and if you like subscribe to my Youtube Channel to see more videos!
Thank you kindly!


It feels like a dream! Time went by so fast. We packed up and moved out of the busy city to a small town in PEI. Selling the house was stressful and finding a house even more stressful. Moving has been a whirl-wind of emotions. It’s very emotional to leave familiar surroundings, it's very hard to leave family and friends. We miss everyone so much.

I’m not going to miss the Toronto traffic and overpopulated areas. I’m not going to miss the consistent city noise. The noise pollution was very intense and it was causing many problems to my mental health. Traffic, noise pollution, air pollution, crime, hustle and bustle…not going to miss you! 

Driving over the confederation bridge was breathtaking! It is beautiful here. It takes time to adjust and to get use to a new lifestyle and pace of life. Things move slower here and traffic is less. Local food is amazing. I was worried the first week with the changes but I’m slowly embracing everything. There is beauty all around us here. Farm land, ocean, lighthouses, windmill farms and more. The locals are super nice and friendly. Everyone knows everyone by their name. 

I love the house that we moved into. We are still opening up boxes and are putting things in place. We definitely look forward to personalizing the house to fit our style but overall I am so grateful for the home. 

I was worried how my girls would adjust to new schools and so far things are great. The PEI schools are great. They provide food programs and even pay for student’s school supplies. 

Since we’ve been here we have visited the West Point Lighthouse beach, the potato museum which has amazing food, especially the blueberry bread pudding! So so good! We’ve visited Summerside and Charlottetown. There’s so much to see and do here. The summer attractions are now closed but I am sure there is so much more to do in the Fall. I can’t wait! 

Thank you all for reading my blog post today, I appreciate it. I hope you are all well my friends. 

Much love and positivity!


Moving Vlog Part two...

more coming soon!

Hello 2024! First Vlog of the New Year!