Sunday, March 26, 2023

Weekly Vlog | Biopsy Results & Nature Walks

Happy Sunday! Hope you are all well. Here is my weekly vlog. 
Sending you all peace and positivity! 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Weekly Vlog | Self Care, Mom Chat & Art

Hello my lovely friends! Happy Sunday! I hope you take good care of your selves. 

It's so important to self care and be gentle with your selves. You are important! 

Thank you for watching my video and thank you for your comments and support. I appreciate you all.

Thank you for subscribing to my channel and for all your comments. I am grateful. 

Thank you!
God Bless!

Monday, March 13, 2023

Weekly Vlog | Haul, Hot Chocolate & Biopsy

Hello my wonderful friends! I hope March is treating you well. I've been busy running to the doctor, working out and keeping the house clean and organized. I've been also trying to keep up with the #The100DayChallenge I hope you enjoy the weekly vlogs on my Youtube Channel. I've been enjoying making them. Thank you for your love and support. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Weekly Vlog Worried and Biopsy?

Here is my weekly vlog and in my journal I wrote this....

In the winter I appreciate the small things, the little things like snow falling, bare branches, ice blocking the sound of water flowing, branches hitting each other like swords.  

These small details have beauty, as things are frozen beauty flows beneath. 

Ice has formed but water still flows and moves underneath. 

Ice forms on branches and the sun shines through giving them a glow. 

The sun shines on the snow making the snow glitter. 

Cold air fills my lungs and brings me joy and a feeling that I am alive.

As I get older I have slowed down and I am very grateful for each day. 

I look at nature and see more detail. I observe more and feel more than ever. 

I have so much Appreciation and gratitude for my surroundings and life. 

Life bursts with beauty and vitality. 

Thank you 🙏 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Week One #the100daychallenge

Happy March! I've been working on the #100DayChallenge and I have completed 7 days so far. Today I am going to make art for the 8th day. It has been fun and challenging at the same time. The fun part is making the art and the challenging part is making time to sit down and do the artwork. 
I can celebrate that I have completed the 7 days and I used various art mediums.
This next week of the challenge I would like to paint various other objects and try something other than landscapes and vases and flowers. 
Here are this weeks art pieces:

I hope you are all well, thank you for reading my post and I hope you leave a comment. 

 Thank you all!


Happy March! 2023


Happy March! I feel very artsy today. Going to be making more artwork. I've been participating in the #100daychallenge and I am enjoying the process so much. I will upload everything I have created soon.  Some people have been asking if my artwork is for sale, I’m not selling at the moment. Maybe in the near future I will open up a shop online.  Thank you all for asking. I’m always willing to answer questions. Speaking of artsy, look at these artsy nail accents! 

Thank you Avon Canada for the fmg glimmer gel nail stickers!!! They look like beautiful artwork! 🎨

“easy to apply glossy gel nail stickers add fun pattern to your nails without having to take a trip to the salon. No mess application. Doesn’t require additional tools or waiting for nails to dry, each set has 14 stickers and they are $14 each set.” 

Avon also has other patterns like kaleidoscope, glimmering gold, and stargazer. 😍 also, how incredible is the fmg glimmer nail lacquer eraser pen! This is so amazing. I always get nail polish around the skin where my nails are and this is perfect to clean up the nail area. 

Avon has beautiful colours of Pro nail polish this long lasting polish with a high gloss finish goes on streak free and it is vegan. It is 12.5 mil for $12.00. I can’t do nails without a base and top coat! It’s a game changer. Your nail polish will go on better and will last longer. 

“ SMG glimmer nail base and topcoat. Its breathable, nail hugging formula provides smooth base to prime nails and help prevent discolouration.  It works as a glossy protective topcoat to help keep nail strong, shielding your manicure from chipping and streaking. It is paraben/talc/ gluten/ phthalate/fragrance free.  vegan. 12 ml $14.00. “


Avon Canada thanks for making my life beautiful 

Have a B E A U T I F U L month!
🤗 Maria

*got it free
*Not sponsored. Thank you Avon Canada. 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Winter Vlog ❄️

Hello my friends! Hope you are all well. I've been busy and I am trying to keep things together and organized but sometimes life has its own plans. Sometimes there is chaos and it is okay. It's okay to have a mess, it's okay to not be organized and it's okay if things don't go as planned. Life is unpredictable and messy. Take it easy and take it one day at a time. Be kind to your self. You are important and valuable. Each day is a gift. You are a gift.Thank you for being here and watching my videos. I appreciate you so much. I have more vlogs coming! :) Much love to you all. ❤️

see you soon with my  #The100DayProject 

Hello 2024! First Vlog of the New Year!