Sunday, March 13, 2022

March Free Stationary


Happy Sunday!
How are you all doing?  I created a March Stationary and wanted to share it with you. 
Hope you enjoy it and I hope you write a lovely letter to a friend. 

 I created the design on Canva. 

Download here: MARCH STATIONARY 

Friday, March 11, 2022

One Year Ago on This Day…

 “You have stage one; grade three ductal carcinoma and you are HER2 Positive.” After all the scans and tests and endless stress and worry, that’s what she told me and handed me a paper. On that paper was a diagram of a woman, it outlined everything that I was diagnosed with and all the treatments I had to complete to avoid cancer from spreading and coming back. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, Herceptin and hormone blocking therapy for five years. She looked at me and said “You will be okay”. I felt numb, hopeless, alone, vulnerable and shocked. This could never happen to me. Why is this happening to me? 

From the moment of my diagnosis tears welled up very easily. My mind and body went off the rails. My mind was foggy. The first thing I thought of is, “I don’t want to die. I love life so much. It’s abundant. I love my husband and children so much. I want to spend all my time with them and grow old with them.” The words coming out of her mouth were all muffled and I sat on a chair and felt all alone. It felt like I was having an out of body experience and I was looking in on myself. My body shook and trembled. I wanted to cry so bad but held back. I wanted my mother and couldn’t have her by my side. I needed hope and grasped on to each word that the doctor was saying. “You will be okay” she said and I thought to myself that “she knows these things, right? She’s seen a lot so she must be right.” She scheduled all my scans, blood work and surgery. 

I went in for the surgery and I felt so vulnerable. “My life is in these people’s hands” I thought to myself. I felt scared. I usually like control and now I was learning that somethings in life cannot be controlled. I laid down on the bed and warm blankets were placed on me. The nurses and doctors speaking softly and calmly really helped. The anesthesiologist calming and soothingly put me to sleep. I woke up and the lump was gone. It felt good knowing it wasn’t in my body anymore. In the following months I started chemotherapy proceeded by radiation. 

Chemotherapy was the worst part of this entire experience. No one can really prepare you for the pain that’s involved with chemotherapy and the side effects are atrocious! I had to go in the hospital alone due to covid. All my hospital visits alone. Chemotherapy brought on pain, muscle stiffness, jaw pain, teeth pain, mouth sores, diarrhea, nausea, migraines, loss of appetite and taste, hair loss, weakness and more. Four rounds of chemotherapy and each time my side effects got worse. After completing chemo my husband and daughters celebrated with me by putting up a banner and ribbons. We had cake and spent time together. All the side effects do not fully go away. Some are still lingering. Numbness of fingertips and toes, weight gain, body aches, anxiety and stress issues and along with these issues was also the side effects of radiation and hot flashes.

I had twenty rounds of radiation on my left breast. Radiation treatments don’t physically hurt at the time of treatments but the side effects start happening a week to two weeks after. The area gets red, swollen and can form blisters. The skin needs cream and hydration three times a day or more. It’s pretty much like getting a bad burn. What radiation does is kills all the cells in the breast but just like chemotherapy the good cells grow back and repair. Everyday my husband whose dedication and love helped me through this entire journey, would drive me to my treatments. For each treatment I felt very vulnerable and emotional during the entire radiation experience. The technicians were very kind and gentle but I felt sensitive and exposed. Even the atmosphere of the treatment centre felt vulnerable, sensitive, delicate and emotional. There is one thing that helped my deep emotional ache and sadness which hung in my heart and chest, my love for my family, my faith and gratitude for life.

This entire experience changed me as a person. I feel I have more faith, gratitude and love for life. I’m grateful for the small moments. The small moments in actuality are so special and beautiful and meaningful. I have slowed down the pace of my life. Even though I’m more emotional and sensitive than before I’m also stronger and more aware. I want to do more and see more in this world. I have a strong thirst to learn and crave new experiences. I want to embrace life with all the good the bad and the ugly because life is a gift. 

There are remaining Herceptin treatments, hormone treatments and a yearly mammogram to follow up. My mammogram is scheduled next week and I’m so emotional and scared. I have so many worries and anxieties. Will everything be okay? Will the scans be clear? I can only wait to find out. One day at a time. I can only be fully in the moment and fight with all my strength for my family with faith, love and gratitude. 

P.S My mammogram scan was clear. 

#MyCancerJourney on Youtube

Monday, March 7, 2022

March Showers By Maria Medeiros

 March Showers

March showers 

Melting snow

Branches dancing rhythmically too and fro to the wind

Down below there are puddles

 I jump in splashing around

My happy feet are all wet now

Grey skies

My colourful eyes reach up to the sky and feel the droplets glide on my face and lips 

Making my frown right side up again.

Excerpt From: Maria Medeiros. “TRUTH.” iBooks. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Paint Party Friday!

Hello and Happy March!
Joining in with 

I'm also participating with #The100DayProject on Instagram. 

I am super excited for spring are you?

Loving this song this week:

I've been knitting a new piece, reading a little and trying to get over my reading block. I also started writing more poetry and I am working on a children's book.  
Check out my poetry book if you like. 

I kindly received a lovely gift from my wonderful friend Julie. 

Two days ago I did my treatment and now I have three more left to do. I had a really hard day yesterday but I am feeling better today. I've been really enjoying making artwork everyday. It's been so relaxing and fun. I put on my music and light my candle and have fun. 

Please email me if you would like to Trade Artist Cards!

Here are some pieces that I've created this week:

Have a beautiful weekend my friends! 
Be kind to your self. Be Gentle on your soul.
Lots of kindness and love.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Happy March! Organizing My Mind, Refreshing The Body And Lifting The Spirit!

Happy March! 

I'm going to be honest and say I've been on a downward mood. 

Winter blues? Not sure but I've made a vision board to help me get out of this slump!

I am working on getting out of this blah feeling and uplifting my body, mind and spirit. 

I'm starting with self care rituals and routines. I feel that routines really help keep me on track. 

I need more love toward my self and positive talk. Mantras really help. I am placing positive words

 around my art space to keep the positive energy going. 

Skincare, bathing in essential oils and essential oils in the air really calms and soothes the mind and soul. 

Meditation and prayer so important for spiritual healing. 

These two years have been so hard that the ripples and side effects are here and I definitely need to detox in every way.  Healthy detox smoothies are in the works. 

Going to try to start yoga again this month. 

More water, more art and calming music.

Going to try and stay off social media and be more productive.

Vision boards really help me. If you like my vision board help your self with it here. You can also change it and make your own. --> VISION BOARD

I am currently trying to stay creative with the #100DayProject and I hope you follow along on Instagram. 

I would also like to thank everyone who bought my poetry book.

 It's available if you like.  

Poetry Book

  "TRUTH" by Maria Medeiros

A new month, a new beginning, new creations, new routines and self care and self love. 

I'm trying really hard to change the direction of my mind, body and spirit. 

I have four more treatments to do and I look forward to finishing them up by spring. 

Have a beautiful rest of the week and I will see you on Friday for Paint Party Friday! I can't wait to show you my new artwork and other things that I've been working on. 

Lots of love!

Be kind and gentle to your self. 

Hello 2024! First Vlog of the New Year!